

Why is coaching for your family?

Why do this work as a parent?

1. You "lose it" at your children and don't know why or how to stop it

2. You want to be different to how your parents were and you don't know how

3. Your children's big emotions trigger you and make you feel angry and annoyed and you feel bad after you snap

4. You want to understand your child's brain and behaviors because they drive you "crazy" and you don't know where to start

5. You want to understand why your children say NO! Or don't listen to your No

6. You struggle to set healthy and loving boundaries with your children because you are scared they won't love you or you don't want to sound like your parents

7. You find yourself in a daily battle and struggle with your children

8. You want your children to listen and cooperate without constant  shouting and punishing

9. You want to be the role model for your children of the kind of people you want them to be

10.You want peace in your home and your life and look forward to parenting at the end of your day

Why do this work for your children?

1. You want your children to feel safe to come and talk to you about their deepest fears

2. You want your children to have healthy relationships with themselves and others when they grow up

3. You want to raise children that learn how to love themselves and not live a life of constant self blame, shame and guilt

4. You want your children to be confident and resilient out in the world because of the secure attachment they created with you

5. You want to help your children regulate their emotions and not run away from them or drown by them with drugs & alcohol

6. You want your children to learn how to feel their emotions without hurting others

7. You want your children to learn how to ask for what they need with kindness and not by attacking others

8. You want your children to know how to set boundaries with others and how to say NO and stand up for themselves from bullies

9. You want your children to learn how to make decisions based on what's right and not to please others

10. You want a future world where humans are kinder and more empathetic to each other

 Now I ask YOU! Why is doing this work important for you?

You don't have to do this alone.

It will be an honor to guide you

I strongly and wholeheartedly believe in this work and that it will help YOU create healthy and lasting relationships with your children!

Individual Virtual Coaching Sessions + Online Course

What I offer

Awareness Package - $1100

Onboarding call + 11 coaching sessions 

Insight Package
- $882 

Onboarding call + 8 coaching sessions 

Educational Package
- $725

Onboarding call + 6 coaching sessions 

Note: I offer flexible payment plans & sliding scales for all.

I am deeply invested in supporting families and would never want finances to be a reason why parents and caregivers are not getting the support they need.

All packages include lifetime access to a 10 module parenting course program (JAI Accredited) which we will use as a guide alongside our 1:1 sessions. See more below.

Additional individual coaching sessions offered upon request.

If you want to explore more...

Schedule A 45 min Free Online Consultation →

Course Modules

1   Active & Reflective Listening

Ten Pillars of Empowered Parenting

Attachment Science

Nervous System Science

Empathy & Brain Science

Emotional Intelligence 

Peaceful Conversations

Boundary Setting

Anger & Aggression

10 Play Languages

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Contact me for details

Schedule A 45 min Free Online Consultation →
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