I became a parenting coach because I was 100% committed to having a different kind of relationship with my children than my parents had with me.
I was raised in a household where my feelings weren't valid. I was repeatedly told not to cry or show big emotions because my caregivers couldn’t handle it. I was called a “bad” daughter every time I made a mistake, and the love I received from my caregivers was conditional: It was offered or withheld based on my behavior.
Once I had my daughter, I told myself I would never want her to feel the same way I did growing up. After I found myself sounding and acting like my caregivers on several occasions, I decided to take action and ask for help. That’s how I found Parenting Coaching.
Through my training, I learned that it IS possible to set boundaries with empathy, that I don’t need to shout for my child to collaborate, and I discovered the wonders inside our children's brains and their big emotions. Spoiler alert! these are SO different than our adult brains and how we express our big emotions! Once you discover how children think and learn, it will suddenly ALL make sense. There is a big disconnect between how we think our children understand us AND the reality of how they experience us.
This has now become my calling. I’m on a mission to help as many families as possible to create the deepest and most loving relationships with their children. Changes that will last a lifetime and impact generations to come.
Help you parent without yelling, and without threats
Help you understand your triggers and blind spots
Help you understand how your children perceive you
Help you understand and manage your emotions around your children's behaviors
What are your core beliefs about parenting?
What are your conditioned beliefs about parenting?
Do those match your current values?
When you imagined yourself as a parent, how did you imagine yourself?
Are you parenting the way you imagined?
BA in Communications & Psychology
Richmond the American University in London
St Edwards University, Austin, TX
Parenting Coaching Certification
JAI Institute for Parenting